Okay, so I suck at keeping New Year's Resolutions. I said my resolution was to keep up my blogs. Well, that sort of didn't happen. But, I've got a really good reason for it... Lots of reasons, actually. I can just sum it all up by saying that I've been really busy. Not your normal, everyday mom type of busy.. I've been busier than Obama. At least he gets to play gold every now and again. (Not that I even like golf, but you catch my drift.) With working from home, running three companies, keeping up with my kids and getting in front of the camera every now and again, I have barely had time to breathe. I even started an eBay venture, trying to declutter my home and make some money for a Disney vacation. (So far, we bought the plane tickets...) Yeah, I've been inhumanly busy. The only person that I can think of that might be as busy as I am is my best friend Mechelle, but she doesn't have kids. She knows what it's like to be a business owner, though.
Okay, so I digress... This blog is supposed to be about me and the entertainment industry. Today, I once again worked as the double for Camryn Manheim. I love Camryn Manheim. I think she's a great actress. I hope that I get to meet her some time. I need to get my 76 SAG days (or $18,000 for the year) so that I get my vested credit, which is why I'm doing some on camera stuff.
But, I've got a secret...
I like casting better.
There, I said it.
No, I actually LOVE casting. And I'm actually really, really good at it. For example, I cast eleven kids and one adult to work on Monday. I've got nine of those kids on a movie with Sarah Silverman, and the other three people are on a network TV show. They're thrilled. And seeing them thrilled makes me ridiculously happy.

Excuse me while I pat myself on the back...
But, that's not just it. I've gotten a LOT of people a LOT of work. I'm teaching people about the industry that I love. I am helping kids build their college funds. I'm having a really good time doing it all, too. Whether it's for TV or film or even print work, I'm having a blast getting people work, giving kids experiences, and watching it all unfold in the final projects. For example, I cast a TON of people on Investigation Discovery's Deadly Sins. It is so cool to watch my talent on screen. And I know how exciting it is for them, too. That just makes it even better for me.
Someone sent me an email tonight saying, "I'm impressed with how much work you are getting your talent." Isn't that what a talent manager is supposed to do? I don't know why people are so surprised when others get cast. It's my JOB to get my talent cast. That's what they pay me for. Why would I take their money and run? That's what a lot of scam companies do, but certainly not me.
So, that's it. My bragging blog post. You can take a look at Cain Casting & Talent Management, if you'd like. And, if you want to work in the entertainment industry, you can also register and give it a shot.