My husband has been sedated and on a respirator since July 16. Yesterday, my grandmother, whom I loved very much and was very close to, died suddenly. I have surrounded myself with friends and family, and I know that my family and I will get through this. I am in a bit of shock, and I'm sure not everything - if anything at all - has set in yet.
Like a phoenix, I will rise from the ashes.
I am going to create the biggest, strongest, most reputable talent management and consultation company in New York. My grandmother loved hearing about all of my success and adventures in the entertainment industry. She came to every play I was in, watched every movie and television show, bought every book... she was my biggest fan-- Second only to my mother, who happens to be her eldest daughter.
I'm going to do this for her. Every breath I take, every decision I make, I am going to do it in her memory. I'm going to get my entire family - cousins included - out of debt. I'm going to be Mrs. Rockafeller, which is how we referred to Grandma because she bought everything for everyone, and take care of everyone's needs. My kids, my husband, my mother, my sister will never want for anything.
And it will be because of my success with Cain Casting.
You watch. Once I'm back on my feet (emotionally speaking), nothing is going to be able to stop me. There is enough bad shit going on in my life that I will never have to deal with it again-- At least, not all at once like this.
Screw you, Satan. Screw you, anyone or anything that tries to eff with me. There are people that would just flop over and give up. That's not me.
I'm Candy fucking Cain. I won't go out like that.