Getting my makeup done before filming |
Now, I'm not used to being on stage all by myself. I work better with a partner or an ensemble-- I like to play off of people. Furthermore, I'm a big girl. I'm nearly 5'10" tall and I'm a size 16/18. AND I work from home. AND I have twin 6 year olds. I genuinely can't remember the last time that I went clothes shopping for myself.
I'm getting ahead of myself here.

don't want to give any more details than that, as I don't want to spoil it for the people that will be watching live at the convention. Bottom line is this: I am singing one or two of the greatest rock songs of all time, and I need to look like a bad ass rocker chick.
And I have absolutely no idea how to accomplish that. I mean, look at me. Do I remotely resemble a bad ass rocker chick to you? And the fact that I'm a big girl in her 30s doesn't really help. (Oh, shut up. My twins think that I'm 17.) I need to channel my inner bad ass rocker chick and let her out. The question is... Do I actually have an inner bad ass rocker chick to channel in the first place?
I'm not one to ask for help, but I'm asking for it. I need help. I need help to look like a bad ass rocker chick. As I am typing this, I am sitting in front of my computer, wearing mismatched pajamas and my husband's robe. I'm going to be in front of about 8,000 people on a stage by myself. Singing. Rocking out. Kicking ass.
Can you tell I was bullied? |
Right on the heels of that, I got an email from someone that saw my auditions for the talent show, and pretty much told me that I didn't have any "real talent" and that I "shouldn't be expected to be picked." He sent this email to me, and cc'd a few other people on it-- All men. Mind you, I'm not a feminist by any stretch of the imagination, but eff you. (Not YOU, dear reader-- him.) I'm still so irritated that this person sent me such a condescending email, telling me that I haven't got talent and that I wouldn't be picked for the show.
Jazz hands! |
Yet another person trying to make me feel as though I'm not good enough. WTF is that about? People - artists - should SUPPORT one another, not try to break each other down. That's why I will take anyone on with Cain Casting. I know that everyone that wants to be in front of the camera CAN be in front of the camera.
So, dear reader, I need your help. I need your support. I need your fashion expertise. What do I wear? How do I do my hair? What kind of shoes? What kind of accessories? Help me out!!
And, if you happen to know a stylist, beauty editor, Freddie Mercury impersonator, whatever... PLEASE share this post. Maybe someone will read it and take pity on me. The show is May 16. I leave for Utah on May 14. I need to have everything set by then. I'm all for a makeover or anything of that sort before then.
And if you DO happen to be one of the people that can help me, feel free to call me at the office. You can get my number on my website. I would be eternally grateful.
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